Calling All Future Scientists!
Take Our Children to Work Day Open House at DataLab!
When: Thursday, April 27, 9-11am
Where: DataLab, Shields Library 360
Who: UC Davis-Affiliated Families

Future scientists! Come explore how we develop and use Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) for research and teaching. Make mountains in our AR Sandbox and see what happens when it rains – or a volcano explodes (ages 6+). Then go on a virtual hike of your landscape in VR (ages 13+). Learn about coding and coordinates as you draw and color alongside our team of data scientists (all ages). Visit us on the 3rd floor of Shields Library, near room 360. This is a reprise of our Picnic Day activities in a quieter, less crowded setting for families of UC Davis students, faculty and staff.
About the AR Sandbox
About DataLab’s immersive VR for research data and collaboration
Questions? Contact us.