DataLab trains and connects students from every department across the university with tools and technologies for working with data and offers opportunities to participate in real, ongoing research projects. From beginning to advanced data literacy, programming, data visualization, analysis, and algorithm development, DataLab helps undergraduate and graduate students prepare for today’s data-driven workforce. Through our programs, students gain hands-on data science training, mentorship and research experience that complement any major and help prepare them for their careers.
Support DataLab by giving to our:
Your gifts to the DataLab General Support Fund support the DataLab’s hands-on workshops, experiential learning opportunities including internships and hackathons, stipends for graduate student support, efforts to increase representation in STEM including the annual Women in Data Science conference, and other DataLab activities. Your support helps DataLab integrate students directly in collaborative research projects with UC Davis faculty, providing unique opportunities for learning technical and team leadership skills.
Contributions to the DataLab Student Experiential Learning and Research Fund may be used to provide salaries and stipends for graduate students who serve as mentors to undergraduates, ensuring that students at all levels are able to integrate successfully into active research teams; offer paid undergraduate research internships; award prizes for data challenges and hackathon competitions that bring together teams of students to solve real-world research problems; and to develop new experiential learning programs in data science in the future.
Join us in providing students the hands-on data science skills they need to succeed in college and beyond!