We’re recruiting a postdoc as part of the TRANSCEND scholars program to work in the area of data science for epidemiology and pandemic preparedness.

This position will apply AI and other methods to provide near-real-time updates and optimization of risk rankings for viruses that have the greatest risk to spillover to humans. The postdoc will integrate these results and workflow into the SpillOver webtool developed by the UC Davis Institute for Pandemic Intelligence (IPI), which aims to help the community identify viruses of pandemic potential and inform vaccine target selection. The postdoc will conduct this work under the general direction of the UC Davis Grand Challenges Vice Provost, Dr. Jonna Mazet, where they will support this and other strategically important projects involving computational methods by designing analytical models and implementing them in operational and research environments. Development of peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations on updated risk rankings and high-risk viruses, based on the expanded information collected through artificial intelligence, and recommendations on updated international standards for viral risk rankings will be key.

More information about this specific postdoc position, including additional qualifications and application details, can be found at UC Davis Recruit (Job #JPF05464). Applications for this position can be submitted directly as listed on the recruit website, or as specified in this cohort call by emailing materials to datalab-recruit@ucdavis.edu. This position is open until filled. Interested but not sure if you qualify? Contact us.

Learn more about TRANSCEND. The cohort is planned to kick off in January 2024.